How to Open Registry Editor in Windows 10?
If you are facing any kind of problem with your Windows OS or you want to make changes in your Windows 10 then registry is one of the best options. With the registry, you can bring changes to your interface, changes to File Explorers, and many more.
Basically, with the registry, you have full control over your entire Windows OS. you can option to configure your OS in such areas that are not possible with settings provided by officials.
You can view edit, or even create the database, manipulating which can bring changes to your Windows OS. here is how we have changed the File Explorer of Windows 11 with the registry.
Even though changing the value in the registry is quite easy. Still, we won’t recommend you to make any changes on your own. A simple change in value can cause serious problems with your Windows OS and you can even lose your data too. Most of the time, changing the value will make you reinstall the entire OS again.
How to Open Registry Editor in Windows 10?

So, here is how to open Registry Editor in Windows 10. Again, if you are not familiar with the registry then don’t try to change the values else your system might crash.
Click on the Start button at the bottom left.
Type “run” to open the Run app. You can also skip the first step and use the shortcut key as Win+R to run Run directly.
Inside the Run, type “regedit” and press Enter. here the “regedit” will open the Registry editor.
Since every version of Windows OS is different, so is the registry. To overlook the entire process, all of the Windows OS (from Windows XP to Windows 11) has the exact same steps. On re-opening the registry, you will be taken back to exact same old location you left off.
Changing values can bring major changes to your OS. however, in new versions of Windows OS (Windows 10 and Windows 11) you will find “>” for expanding any folder. Whereas, in Windows XP you will find “+” for expanding folder.